This English class was one class I will not forget. Some might say that this isn’t true or I’m just “speaking out of my ass”. Because I can’t forget about this English class even if I wanted to. Because this class offers more than just teaching me English, it teaches me about life. But I can explain that later on, so how I found all of this out all started when I first entered Dr.Preston’s class on August 12. As I was entering it felt normal, just like an ordinary class until our teacher Dr.Preston started to talk about how this semester is going to plan out and how different this class is going to be and I started to feel like this guy is just another English teacher trying to sell us one of their ideas of “different” and “fun” so I didn’t buy it at all. Until he told us to discuss how we want this semester to go without him in the class because he didn’t want us to feel pressured and he wanted to know that he has full trust in us. So as he said that I was completely caught off guard and now I started to actually felt like it actually might be different.
So everyone chose to do our work on the blogs instead of using a workbook. I was very okay with that because I really wanted something different rather than doing the same old boring thing over and over again. As we started out our semester we were doing journals in everyday in the beginning of class and I actually really liked this because nobody had the same answer and if they did they were answered in a completely different way. Then we either did something Dr. Preston wanted us to read like a novel or something like that. But if not we had to post blogs on our website showing everyone what we do, read, know, and learn. The blog videos were very hard because I didn’t really have the time to do them because the when I get home it’s already 8:00 and I’m very tired and just want to fall asleep. But the actual blogs were kind of challenging because he didn’t really give us a deadline or was watching over our shoulders like a vulture waiting for an animal to drop. He simply explained to us what he had to do and then we were on our own.
I have dealt with many problems in this class but the one I mostly remember was when we were doing essays on “Young Good Man Brown” and “The Pedestrian”. The reason for this was because even though these were short stories they had a lot to tell and teach you. If you wanted to understand what was happening and why the characters did what they did you had to analyze the text and reread the story. But once you do all that and actually understand what’s happening in the story now you have to find the right words to put in your essay. I overcame all these obstacles because every time I felt like not doing it I told myself that I was going to amount to nothing if I don’t pass this class with a B or higher. Because I know this class will benefit me in my future.
I learned so much from this course this semester. I learned how to properly organize my work, prepare for a interview, write a good resumรฉ, and how to prepare for becoming an adult. I also had many tactics to complete my work. Like the saying I say to myself and I also add reminders on my phone that constantly remind me to do my homework. I really want to go to college so that is my main motivation to complete my class work and homework.
If someone told me right now that I was organized when I first started in August I would laugh and say your crazy because I had no idea what to do when I first started. I have evolved so much from where I was at the beginning. Now I know why I shouldn’t be lazy at what I do because there are no do overs in life. I remember how the story “ The Pedestrian” taught me how to enjoy the little things while they last, even if it’s just a little walk out at night. I truly do feel like I have come far from where I was and I thank Dr. Preston for that.

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Monday, December 16, 2019
Friday, December 6, 2019
Monday, December 2, 2019
My Brain On Thanksgiving Weekend
My brain this weekend was all around actually. Because I had many things to deal with like my wrist surgery, thanksgiving and all my family that were coming down to attend, and school work that I had to make up in order for my jeep my grades that I have in order to go to college. But the topic I need to talk about on this blog I Connor because I wasn’t here on the week we left because of my wrist surgery so I can’t go back and talk about it. But my thanksgiving was good and I thanked many people for being in my life. Thank you
Friday, November 22, 2019
My Big Question
I have many questions, some can be answered easily while others need more hard to work to find the answer to. But my one “Big Question” is that do we actually need an education to make it in life, and does it matter where we live or who we are as a person play a role in it. Because many people state that the only way to have a nice life in our generation today is to have a good education and to graduate from college. But I have seen many people make it, Elon Musk stated that “You don’t need a college degree to be successful”. While I have seen people with no education become homeless with nothing to live for and others that do bad things in order to make money for themselves like sell illegal things or be in gangs. But those people haven’t obviously tried to be successful. But with all that, is it true for someone with little to no education make it and have a nice life without being involved in anything illegal?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
"On Self-Reliance Part 4"
This part four of my sighting on the essay "On Self-Reliance" by Emerson. On the essay it is said "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,..." which means that someone is so used to do something daily, over and over again that they don't want any change to happen. But you should always want change because change is what helps us learn and evolve. This essay also had "To be great is to be misunderstood." That quote in my opinion is one of the best I have ever heard in my lifetime so far. Because greatness is where someone does something so great that nobody understands how or why that person has done that. Then the people that want to be great would want to follow and try to repeat the steps of that greatness in order to be just like that person. Anyone can be great as long as you try and do things that other people are to afraid to do because they have "hobgoblins" in their minds.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
"On Self-Reliance" Part 3
"For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure." What this is basically saying is that nobody wants to do anything that discomfort them or makes them feel uneasy. Because if you really think about it who would want to go out of there way to do something that might hurt them or make them feel different about themselves. The only reason people do that is to improve themselves and be greater than what you really are and learn. Because if you don't go out to fail then you will never learn how to get better and improve your self at anything in life. Once you set yourself to fail then you will understand how to grow and improve you and the people around you.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
"On Self-Reliance" Part 2
As I keep reading this essay I am baffled by some of the sentences this author has wrote down. Like "The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried." Which means to me that if he or she doesn't take the chance to learn, fail and take that choice you really don't want to do you will never know what you really can do in life. This essay to me so is about people and not noticing their mistakes and not knowing how to make themselves better for the people around them, or even just for themselves. Because humans thrive on communication and without it nothing will ever get done and the human species will go extinct. So understanding this essay and what this author is trying to say is a huge factor in understanding what you can do and how you can still be you and nobody else, becasue there is and will be only one of you in any lifetime.
Monday, November 4, 2019
First Impression: On Self-Reliance
My first impression On Self-Reliance was that basically everything that the author has wrote is in fact true for most people alive today. In the introduction "Ne te quaesiveris extra" the author stated "Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,". What I think he means by this is that whatever we do, weather its good or bad will affect what we become in out future."To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,-that is genius."
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Let Me Walk You Through The Pedestrain
"The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury is a short story about Mr Leonard Mead experiencing how the authority is so used to people sitting watching TV in their homes at night. He is also feeling the effects of technology its making everyone and their homes at the darkest night look like a cemetery with grey phantoms floating about and flickers of lights flashing on curtain windows. The main and only characters tone is sad and very lonely with a dark dimly lit setting.
The tone is very lonely because the character Leonard Mead is the only real character introduced in this story. With only the police car to be only thing that confronts him. Also while he is walking on his regular night walk he has stated in his story that he has never came across another person on his walks in 8 years. The tone is also quite sad because he has no one to talk to and when the police car asks him if he has a wife he replied "Nobody wants me". Now there you can see that it hurts Mr Mead to even say that, but he does anyways and the police car says nothing.
Mr Leonard Mead is the main character in this short story and only has one interaction and thats with the police car that stops him while he is on his night walk. He is also the only character that is introduced as an actual person. Mr Mead is impacted by how the authorities treat him and how the technology has had a huge impact on them. He feels like nobody even realizes how technology has made everyone be dumb in a sense where they don't want to be around people and interact with them.
The main plot of this short story is that Mr Leonard Mead is out on a lonely night walk and is
stopped by the only police car in the city at night and the police car takes him to his lit house. How Mr mead reacts to he police car about what he says to him and how calm he is about every question and how the police car reacts to his answers goes to show how much people are not used to that kind of behavior, and if Mr Mead would have responded differently the plot and the outcome would have came out differently. Mr.Mead then realises what technology has done to our society and how our people act and he knows it will only get worse if nothing is done to prevent it.
So really in conclusion of what Ray Bradbury has wrote, what he believes and my whole essay is that people and the relationship with technology has to be change. Because if we don't we will continue to be slaves to our own creation and nobody will have any sense of thinking for themselves. So take some time off your devices and spend time with friends and family, because you will never not get that chance again.
The tone is very lonely because the character Leonard Mead is the only real character introduced in this story. With only the police car to be only thing that confronts him. Also while he is walking on his regular night walk he has stated in his story that he has never came across another person on his walks in 8 years. The tone is also quite sad because he has no one to talk to and when the police car asks him if he has a wife he replied "Nobody wants me". Now there you can see that it hurts Mr Mead to even say that, but he does anyways and the police car says nothing.
Mr Leonard Mead is the main character in this short story and only has one interaction and thats with the police car that stops him while he is on his night walk. He is also the only character that is introduced as an actual person. Mr Mead is impacted by how the authorities treat him and how the technology has had a huge impact on them. He feels like nobody even realizes how technology has made everyone be dumb in a sense where they don't want to be around people and interact with them.
The main plot of this short story is that Mr Leonard Mead is out on a lonely night walk and is
stopped by the only police car in the city at night and the police car takes him to his lit house. How Mr mead reacts to he police car about what he says to him and how calm he is about every question and how the police car reacts to his answers goes to show how much people are not used to that kind of behavior, and if Mr Mead would have responded differently the plot and the outcome would have came out differently. Mr.Mead then realises what technology has done to our society and how our people act and he knows it will only get worse if nothing is done to prevent it.
So really in conclusion of what Ray Bradbury has wrote, what he believes and my whole essay is that people and the relationship with technology has to be change. Because if we don't we will continue to be slaves to our own creation and nobody will have any sense of thinking for themselves. So take some time off your devices and spend time with friends and family, because you will never not get that chance again.
Monday, October 21, 2019
So This Guy Goes For A Walk
Ray Bradbury wrote "The Pedestrian" and I feel like he wrote this because he wanted everyone to see how technology has dramatically changed everyone in how they feel and act towards one another.
In the story, Mr Bradbury walks just to walk at night and while he is on his walks he notices that there is nobody on the dark streets and all the houses are dark with the flickering light in windows covered by curtains. While on his walk he is confronted by a suspicious police car. The police car then asks him why is he walking out at night and not watching TV at his house. Bradbury responded "Walking for air, Walking to see." The police car didn't understand at all and told him to get in and took Bradbury home. The tone of the story is sad and lonely and the only character is just Bradbury.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How To Get Along Online
Hey there and on this blog I will be teaching you readers how to have a good online conversation
There are many ways to have a good online conversation and it can happen in many different ways. I will tell you three that i think are the most important. The first one is that you and the people your having a conversation with has to be fully into the conversation. Because if you or they aren't the conversation won't grow and advance and nobody will get anything off of it. The second one is that if you have a bad host of the online conversation neither you or your peerors will learn anything and will be lost on what you guys were talking about. The third and final one is that you need that have something that is actually interesting to have a conversation about. Because if the conversation is simple and plain like food is good, then nobody is gonna want to have a whole conversation about it because there isn't really anything to talk about. But if you had a conversation about something like climate change or what's the best breakfast than people will have information to go off from and it can grow.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Art of Hosting Good Conversations Online
The main points of hosting a good conversation online are having an actual good and interesting conversation, having/being a good host of the conversation, how the host develops and grows the conversation, and also how a host behaves to the people he/she are hosting. The reason for these main points are because if your online conversation, or conversation is boring then nobody is gonna put the time and effort into developing it into a good conversation. Also being a good host or having a good host is just as important as having a good online conversation, because if the host doesn't know what he/she is doing and doesn't know how to set up online conversation etc. then they shouldn't be a host.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Same Words Different People
Hi and here is another one of my Blogs,
Today with my group and I, we had many conversations about many things. We talked about our blogs and if we did them or not and i learned that some post are just too hard to do for some people. Another thing i learned from our conversation is that the vocab can be pretty hard to remember if you don't regular memorize them. We all had different replies to the same questions. And we all understand and learned about the definitions for the vocab differently.
Today with my group and I, we had many conversations about many things. We talked about our blogs and if we did them or not and i learned that some post are just too hard to do for some people. Another thing i learned from our conversation is that the vocab can be pretty hard to remember if you don't regular memorize them. We all had different replies to the same questions. And we all understand and learned about the definitions for the vocab differently.
Vocab We Need
Meme- An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
Virus- An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host. Also a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.
Viral- Relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.
Blog- A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
Wiki- A website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.
URL- The address of a World Wide Web page.
Website- A location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web.
www- The World Wide Web is combination of all resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Internet- A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
2.0- Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.
Open Source- Denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
Virus- An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host. Also a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.
Viral- Relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.
Blog- A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
Wiki- A website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.
URL- The address of a World Wide Web page.
Website- A location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web.
www- The World Wide Web is combination of all resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Internet- A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
2.0- Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.
Open Source- Denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Value of my Time
Every action you do has an affect on yours and others futures. Some are more effective than others and some are good or bad. The time investments I take in order to have successful future is study, take time to learn a subject, and constantly learn new things to help me and my brain advance in life. My ultimate goal in life is to basically have a nice and relaxing life when I'm in my late 30's. To do this I need to by in on what my teachers teach me in order to understand it and take it over to the next level. With this main goal that I have there has to be stages leading up to this goal of mine. Like passing all classes, getting accepted into college, finding a job that fits me, then finally actually meeting that main goal of mine. With every step I take and every test I pass I know that I am one baby step closer to my true goal in my life. I truly thank Dr. Preston for lighting the way of my true goal in life that I want to have and the steps it takes to get there and how hard I need to work within those steps.
Letter To A Mentor
Hi my name is Samuel Angel Herrera
I would like to learn many things in life. Like how to cook like a five star chief, or how to drive like a pro nascar driver, and even how be a good person. All of these are good, but what i mostly would like to learn more about is how to truly be one of the best running backs in football history. My mentor that I would like to guide and teach me would be Saquon Barkley. The reason for this is because his moves, strength, and speed are extremely good. I know that some of those traits are just in his genes but most of it was because of hard work and dedication. You can really tell he works hard because of how hard he plays and dominates the other team. And I would love to be just like that or even better. Everyone has a goal, it's just that some people want that goal more than others.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Hawthrone & Poe on Dreams
Hi and welcome to another on my blogs
The authors in these "Young Goodman
Brown" with Poe's "Dream Within a Dream" use the idea of
dreaming to make us think about what's real by showing us in one story
that you don't know anything about a person until you actually truly know what
they are thinking about and in the story "Young Goodman Brown" Goodman
Brown meets the devil in the woods and thinks its dream and he thinks that
Faith knows he is evil so he doesn't want anything to do with her. Then
with the poem "Dream Within a Dream" what I think its saying is that
what you think might be real, might end up being just a dream. Because it
states that "All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a
dream.”? In both of these stories i see the meaning of people thinking
something is real when it’s not, and their differences is that one is a short
suspenseful story, and another is a cute poem.
Monday, September 30, 2019
First Impression of a Dream
Hi and welcome to my blog which is about my first impression on "A Dream Within a Dream"
My first impression on this poem was that the author wanted us to feel that dreams are bigger than what they seem. Also when the author says "That my days have been a dream" I think what his saying is that his day to day life so far have been a dream to him.
His poem made me feel sleepy and comfortable, especially when the author used the part "take this kiss upon your brow" and just overall how he worded his poem of how to sound was very comforting.
So far when i read it, the only journal topic it brought up was today's topic which was My Dream Within a Dream and i titled mine "Unwanted Dreams".
My first impression on this poem was that the author wanted us to feel that dreams are bigger than what they seem. Also when the author says "That my days have been a dream" I think what his saying is that his day to day life so far have been a dream to him.
His poem made me feel sleepy and comfortable, especially when the author used the part "take this kiss upon your brow" and just overall how he worded his poem of how to sound was very comforting.
So far when i read it, the only journal topic it brought up was today's topic which was My Dream Within a Dream and i titled mine "Unwanted Dreams".
Friday, September 27, 2019
My Essay Essay
In the short story about "Young Goodman Brown" did the main character Goodman Brown actually talk to the devil himself between those dark and mysterious trees. or was it all just a bad dream that he had and his wife (Faith) have and he felt guilty of having evil thoughts and felt like he couldn't be with her anymore because of it.
Goodman Brown knew right when he entered the dark forest that he was being watched in the
shadows. Then once he has continued on his journey in the woods he starts to feel like he hears voices." A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she’s afeared of herself sometimes. Pray tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year." Faith explains that when Goodman Brown leaves her alone at night she is troubled with horrible thoughts and dreams about him. When Goodman Brown has his bad dream and talks to the devil about evilness and making Brown re-think himself, he then feels like Faith knew that he was evil and feels like he shouldn't be with her anymore.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
My Thesis Statement
My main point of my essay on "Young Goodman Brown" is that was Goodman Brown dreaming or did he really talk to the devil himself. Because talking to the devil in a dark forest sounds scary but is really a fantasy. So either he dreamed about it and thought it really came true and found out that he was actually bad or Faith wasn't string enough to guide him to goodness.
It is also easier if prompt on this kind of story because guide lines are always gonna easier to follow if you wanna please your teacher because the teacher is the one who provided the guide line so it should come out the way they want it.
It is also easier if prompt on this kind of story because guide lines are always gonna easier to follow if you wanna please your teacher because the teacher is the one who provided the guide line so it should come out the way they want it.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Young Old Good Bad
1. Hawthorne probably wrote "Young Goodman Brown" because he wanted everyone to know that everybody has a dark and evil side to his or her nature. Stephen King was affected by the story because he knows that everyone is not as they seem and that people can get very dark and evil and that what happened to young Goodman brown. This is saying that what we really know about other people and their imaginations are not correct at all and you don't know anything about a person's bad side until they actually show it. Also that people can be so unpredictable with their thoughts and nobody is truly good.
2. reason was that the author describes Faith as a gentle and kind character. And the author chose this character's name as Faith because Faith was Goodman's faith in guiding him to his kindness and true destination. As he was going on through his journey, his memory of Faith began to change.
3. The pink ribbons that were constantly used throughout the story signify Faith's good hearted personality and at the end Goodman uses them as symbol that it is Faith.
4. I truly believe that what Goodman Brown witnessed and experienced in the dark forest was just a horrible nightmare and all that evil was building up in him came out as one bad nightmare. In the story the author states 'evil purpose he had' and what i got from that was that he had evil thoughts and the bad dream brought them out.
5. The old man in the woods was displayed as the devil and the author uses an Adam and Eve reference from the Bible in the 27th paragraph using the phrase 'snake'.
6. The staff represents to Goodman what is right and wrong
7. If Goodman Brown were to stay home that evening this whole thing would have probably happened again since it was a dream and all that evilness was to soon come out sooner or later.
2. reason was that the author describes Faith as a gentle and kind character. And the author chose this character's name as Faith because Faith was Goodman's faith in guiding him to his kindness and true destination. As he was going on through his journey, his memory of Faith began to change.
3. The pink ribbons that were constantly used throughout the story signify Faith's good hearted personality and at the end Goodman uses them as symbol that it is Faith.
4. I truly believe that what Goodman Brown witnessed and experienced in the dark forest was just a horrible nightmare and all that evil was building up in him came out as one bad nightmare. In the story the author states 'evil purpose he had' and what i got from that was that he had evil thoughts and the bad dream brought them out.
5. The old man in the woods was displayed as the devil and the author uses an Adam and Eve reference from the Bible in the 27th paragraph using the phrase 'snake'.
6. The staff represents to Goodman what is right and wrong
7. If Goodman Brown were to stay home that evening this whole thing would have probably happened again since it was a dream and all that evilness was to soon come out sooner or later.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Medium is the Message
Emails can be hacked and stolen if you don't change your password every 30 days. Just like whatever you text someone else can see it if they want to. So it's very important that you think before you send that text that doesn't seem right to send.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Earth on Turtle's Back
Welcome to another blog
My first impressions on "The Earth on Turtle's Back" is that it teaches a need to know life lesson that everybody must have in order to succeed in life and that is determination. This story is about the whole world being full of water with only water animals and above them was a place called the sky land. Humans lived on sky land and the leader had a wife that was pregnant and had a dream of the bug tree uprooting. So the leader went and uprooted the great tree. The roots had left a great big hole in the ground of the sky land. The wife wanted to see what was down there and ended up slipping and falling all the way down towards the water. The animals on the bottom see this, save her, and they need place for her to stand. Many animals have tried to get the earth at the bottom of the water but failed until the determined muskat went down under and grabbed a handful of earth and almost died in the process. The muskrat then placed the earth on the great turtle and then grew earth iteslf on the back of a turtle.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
The making of an Essay
This experience has worked for me in the past because i'm able to work well in essays and I can get an essay done as long as i'm interested in what i'm writing about, because other than that i can't really focus on what i'm writing about and i get bored pretty quick. I learned many things about writing an essay like if you don't like what your writing you won't put as much work into it.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Everything is a Remix
Welcome to everything is a remix:
Everything if you think about it is actually a remix. Like for example when pop and rap music came out most of them had the same beat to it, it might have another singer who sings in it or the beat is slightly changed to make it sound different. Also things like the typewriter, the steam engine, and even the light bulb.
Printing press is a combination of things that made it. It was actually used for food but one man saw that it can also be used for paper and printing thins on multiple papers.
Star Wars is a remix of many things that were already created. Like the scenes, actions, story plots, and the beginning credits that are in the beginning of star wars.
Everything was copied off of something else if you really think about, So if you think you have created something new, just know that there was a different version of that and you have made it better or different.
Everything if you think about it is actually a remix. Like for example when pop and rap music came out most of them had the same beat to it, it might have another singer who sings in it or the beat is slightly changed to make it sound different. Also things like the typewriter, the steam engine, and even the light bulb.
Printing press is a combination of things that made it. It was actually used for food but one man saw that it can also be used for paper and printing thins on multiple papers.
Star Wars is a remix of many things that were already created. Like the scenes, actions, story plots, and the beginning credits that are in the beginning of star wars.
Everything was copied off of something else if you really think about, So if you think you have created something new, just know that there was a different version of that and you have made it better or different.
Welcome, This post is about me getting my script read for back to school night.
This class is about me learning about the internet and whats on it, Reading and writing, and learning how to be a good citizen with good communication skills.
The easiest part of this class is the journals, because the teacher gives us specific objectives to write about.
The hardest part of the class is the videos and the blogs because we have to write about something that the teacher tells us about, but we have to do it on our own with not alot of help. But i is good for you because we have to be adults and do it on our own with no help because that how real life is gonna be.
I learned how to post something on my blog, I learned more about the internet and what it can do to you,
This class is about me learning about the internet and whats on it, Reading and writing, and learning how to be a good citizen with good communication skills.
The easiest part of this class is the journals, because the teacher gives us specific objectives to write about.
The hardest part of the class is the videos and the blogs because we have to write about something that the teacher tells us about, but we have to do it on our own with not alot of help. But i is good for you because we have to be adults and do it on our own with no help because that how real life is gonna be.
I learned how to post something on my blog, I learned more about the internet and what it can do to you,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
My Big Questions
Here is my list of questions that I really have
- Why do we know more about space than we do about our ocean? I think it's because space doesn't have as much pressure than the ocean does and we have to advance our technology more in order to do so.
- Why do we have to attend school for abou 12-13 years?
- Is there more species of animal or creature that have not been explored yet on Earth?
- Is there other living things that do not live on Earth that are intelligent?
Here is my list of questions that I really have
- Why do we know more about space than we do about our ocean? I think it's because space doesn't have as much pressure than the ocean does and we have to advance our technology more in order to do so.
- Why do we have to attend school for abou 12-13 years?
- Is there more species of animal or creature that have not been explored yet on Earth?
- Is there other living things that do not live on Earth that are intelligent?
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Why Your NOT Entitled To Your Opinion
Welcome to what I have about your opinion
Everyone wants to be heard and have their own rights to what they say and everybody knows that we are allowed to say what we want to say. But in reality the today rules, we aren't allowed to say whatever we want. Like how we can not say bad words in public out loud. Or your not allowed to threaten the president of the United States even if your joking around. Also your not allowed to say false facts about anything to the public. Or you cant even say another person's words .There's way more than what I have shared and if you are truly interested in this topic you should research it and find out more about how we we can't actually say whatever we want to say.
Everyone wants to be heard and have their own rights to what they say and everybody knows that we are allowed to say what we want to say. But in reality the today rules, we aren't allowed to say whatever we want. Like how we can not say bad words in public out loud. Or your not allowed to threaten the president of the United States even if your joking around. Also your not allowed to say false facts about anything to the public. Or you cant even say another person's words .There's way more than what I have shared and if you are truly interested in this topic you should research it and find out more about how we we can't actually say whatever we want to say.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The right to YOUR opinion
Welcome to my opinion about the right to your opinion
I believe that everyone has the right to express their own opinion and i fully agree with this article. The reason is because not one person's opinion is better than someone else's. everybody's is unique and important in there own way and can inform you on what that person truly believes in. Also learning your own rights as a human being is really usefully in your life. Because it helps with knowing what your are and are not allowed to do. It also helps knowing your rights because there might come a point in your life were someone is breaking your rights as a human being and you have to know whether your rights are being broken and you can adapt and find a solution to your problem. You should always know your rights and protect your own opinion and never let someone else think that theirs is better than yours.
I believe that everyone has the right to express their own opinion and i fully agree with this article. The reason is because not one person's opinion is better than someone else's. everybody's is unique and important in there own way and can inform you on what that person truly believes in. Also learning your own rights as a human being is really usefully in your life. Because it helps with knowing what your are and are not allowed to do. It also helps knowing your rights because there might come a point in your life were someone is breaking your rights as a human being and you have to know whether your rights are being broken and you can adapt and find a solution to your problem. You should always know your rights and protect your own opinion and never let someone else think that theirs is better than yours.
The Socratic Method
Welcome to my blog about the SOCRATIC METHOD
I truly feel that this method of teaching is a good one. Because once you criticize, ask questions, give answers, and clarify what is actually true to find the real answer to what the student wants or needs. Because once you criticize them on what they are wrong on they will begin to rethink and reevaluate there desire. You also ask questions to see if they really know about what they want or need. You can give answers to the questions that they do have about their questions.and then finally clarify any confusions that he or she may have about there problem if they are unsure or have the wrong information.
I truly feel that this method of teaching is a good one. Because once you criticize, ask questions, give answers, and clarify what is actually true to find the real answer to what the student wants or needs. Because once you criticize them on what they are wrong on they will begin to rethink and reevaluate there desire. You also ask questions to see if they really know about what they want or need. You can give answers to the questions that they do have about their questions.and then finally clarify any confusions that he or she may have about there problem if they are unsure or have the wrong information.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Welcome to my thoughts
Welcome to my blog and I am extremely excited for this school year at SMHS. I am currently at Junior and I play four sports, football, basketball, and track. I will be posting more about my life and school year in the future.
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