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Friday, January 31, 2020
What's In My Big Question For Me
My Big Question was that weather if you need a highschool and college education to be successful in life. I really wanted to know more about this topic and what's in it for me is that I would have more information about career options for my future. Because I really want to be prepared for my future and have a plan and a back up plan in case my first plan goes south on me. Exploring this topic will open my eyes to new possibilities that I wouldn't have thought possible. Once i know the secret to investing and how to get rich the right way without an education then can explore new career options, new places to live, more family members to help,and new things that I could have never thought to buy. Knowing this information will be very beneficial to me and I would love to explore more about this topic to to have a better advantage over life and its hardships.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Dark Patterns
When I first seen this word “Dark Patterns” I thought of it as a title of a scary book then seen that it was something totally different. Dark patterns are tricky ways a website or app of some kind that tricks you into doing something you really didn’t want to or mean to. I had many encounters with this dark patterns when I go on websites where I want to play a game and tells me that another game is way better than this one and when I click on it, it makes me sign up for it and buy other things that I had no intention on doing.
While I was reading the different types of dark patterns I was truly shocked by how much there actually were. Like why would anyone want to do this. It is very frustrating when you want to do buy one thing or search another thing and the site ends up tricking, forcing, or persuading you into buying or doing something that you don’t want to. I hope that I can find a way to avoid these dark patterns more often.
While I was reading the different types of dark patterns I was truly shocked by how much there actually were. Like why would anyone want to do this. It is very frustrating when you want to do buy one thing or search another thing and the site ends up tricking, forcing, or persuading you into buying or doing something that you don’t want to. I hope that I can find a way to avoid these dark patterns more often.
Monday, January 27, 2020
I'm Ignited
Most interesting Big Questions to me:
- If school is actually helping us/Michael
- Is school about passing and not learning
- Can people go communicate without their phones
- Why is it harder to find jobs
- What happens when we die
- Why do people put other people in categories based on your appearance/Pablo
- Why do people challenge the government die or disappear out of nowhere
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Last Century's Writing Styles
A genre is a category of literary topics that are the same in storytelling and other books. naturalism is something natural is happening or is going to happen and isn't out of the ordinary. Realism is when they are talking about something can really happen or is realistic. Then modernism is when it's not in the past or future but the present day.
When I found out that Hopepunk was an actual word and a new America literary genre I was shocked. Mainly because I didn't think they would add any more genres anymore. As I was researching what this word meant in Google I was finding it a little hard to specifically find the definition in the America literary. So then I typed "Hopepunk new literary genre and found this "Hopepunk, the latest storytelling trend, is all about weaponized optimism. In the era of Trump and apocalyptic change, Hopepunk is a storytelling template for #resistance — and hanging onto your humanity at all costs." I was a little thrown off by this definition because of the phrase "Trump and apocalyptic change". Because if Trump never came to power then would this genre/word have even been created in the first place. But either way authors made this because it must have been important to them and I think it was because it relates to our modern problem today. Because when is says "weaponized optimism" I think this means that to use yours or someone else's words or thoughts in a offensive way and to fight for what's right, but I don't know if its towards to Trump and his actions or not?
Argue This
Syllogism is the simplest form of logical argument
Validity is weather if it makes seans and more info is given. Truth and Validity
liminal: what you are but you don't know what you are going to be.
My Big Question is if a person in America needs and education to be successful in life. When I think of someone living successful I assume they went and graduated from college and found a successful job and BOOM they made it. I then found out than some people don't even go to college and became rich. Then I find out that many people have gone to college and become .Many people go to college and end up having so much in debt and can't pay them. Then they become homeless and they are doing now is slowly paying off their debt or just give up and do nothing.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
A Rabbit Down The Hole
While reading on one of the links by John Steinbeck about falling in love. I learned that there are two main types of love, the “selfish, mean, grasping, egotistical thing which uses love for self-importance.” Nobody should ever have this kind of love because it’s very bad for people and nobody deserves this. The other kind is “an outpouring of everything good in you of kindness and consideration and respect...” This kind is the best kind and everyone should experience it in their lifetime. I choose this one because to me it stood out the most. Because I feel like love is a powerful thing and it can make a man do crazy things for the person they love.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Notes From Today's Lecture, MLK
Martin Luther King Jr, gave a speech about mens and womens rights in front of thousands of Americans. His speech was very powerful and moved a lot of people's mindset about African-Americans and to show that everyone is equal and deserves equal rights. When MLK states 'Exiled in his own land" I was moved. Because what he said was very true and everyone knows it.
When MLK speaks and how he speaks makes him an amazing speaker. He wanted everyone to have equal rights and live equally amongst each other. He then goes on to say that America will never truly peaceful and complete until everyone is equal, including all African-Americans.
MLK is also very respected because he doesn't insult anyone in his speech and uses a very high vocabulary as he speaks. He uses phrases and metaphors that he knows the audience will understand and uses this to persuade them to listen and understand what he is saying to them. Everyone has a dream and MLK had a huge one. MLK also makes the government feel bad for what they have done to the African-Americans with pathos. He then uses logos in his speech about how torturing a human being is not logical.
Vocab Words:
When MLK speaks and how he speaks makes him an amazing speaker. He wanted everyone to have equal rights and live equally amongst each other. He then goes on to say that America will never truly peaceful and complete until everyone is equal, including all African-Americans.
MLK is also very respected because he doesn't insult anyone in his speech and uses a very high vocabulary as he speaks. He uses phrases and metaphors that he knows the audience will understand and uses this to persuade them to listen and understand what he is saying to them. Everyone has a dream and MLK had a huge one. MLK also makes the government feel bad for what they have done to the African-Americans with pathos. He then uses logos in his speech about how torturing a human being is not logical.
Vocab Words:
- Withering
- Injustice
- Poverty
- Prosperity
- Exile
- discontent
American Literature
I contribute to American Literature in many ways actually and so do many people that live here in America. The ways I know that I contribute to American Literature is when u write essays and even more when I write essays about history or our culture. I also participate in many American culture activities like celebrating holidays, learning about our U.S. history about American Literature, and I even speak it everyday. I am sure I will continue to use American Literature in speaking and writing until I die.
The world is my library
The novels that stood out from my perspective was “Moby Dick or, the whale” by Herman Melville, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain, and “Native Son” by Richard Wright. All though I haven’t read these stories yet, the way cover, title, and pictures show makes it look like a good book to read. I know I shouldn’t “Judge a book by its cover” but I do it a lot and I’m sure everyone else does as well. These books caught me attention because of the way they look mostly, but Moby Dick has been a story that I knew but this one is different and more interesting. The other books I wanted to put in here because of how fast they caught my attention.
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