I honestly feel like Gatsby is trying to do good but just is blind and has tunnel vision for Daisy. He is neither a good or a bad person in my perspective, just a lost man trying to find love in a harsh society. Because he is trying so very hard to get Daisy to fall in love with him by throwing parties after parties just to get her to notice him, just like when Gatsby threw a huge party for Daisy and he wanted everything from the decorations to the food to be just for her. Then Nick opens up in the book that he thinks he is the only honest person in this book. If he was the only honest person in this book he would always be honest and tell Gatsby how he actually feels about him and what he think he is. But he is the technically the most honest person compared to everyone else in this book that even lie to themselves. Then Fitzgerald describes that Tom and Daisy's relationship is smashed together with money and carelessness. I feel like this is true because why would Daisy even want to be with Tom if he didn’t have money. So I’m theory Daisy is a little of a gold digger. I really don’t understand Daisy’s behavior at all in this book. Because she seems so nice and rude at others and I feel like she doesn’t know what she wants I’m life. Because she always has a man like Tom to tell her what to do and when to do it. And I don’t fully agree with her choices at some times like why can’t she just dump Tom and stay with Gatsby because it’s pretty obvious that Gatsby will never cheat and disown her at all like Tom does. I wouldn’t actually advise my brother to date her but I’m not the boss of his life so I wouldn’t bother even saying anything. And the last line I feel like it means to push on in life and don't look back on your past, just learn from them and keep pushing on through the worst with experience from your past.

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Thursday, February 27, 2020
Gatsby Chapter 8 notes and tnoughts
Gatsby tells Nick when he shows up early in the morning that he feels like he is in love and married to Daisy. And Daisy told Tom that she basically never loved him and will never love him. Nick suggest that Gatsby should let go of the past and move on, but Gatsby informed him that of course you can change the past and make it better. I feel like the author interrupts the tense relationship drama with the secondary character and mention of the pool because he wants to show what is actually happening to Gatsby. Because during Otom season trees die and their leaves fall off just like how Gatsby is “dieing” inside because of Daisy and let’s go of all his friends and servants.
Gatsby Chapter 7
Gatsby stops having parties because Daisy doesn’t want to go and didn’t enjoy the last one at all even though everything was in fact for her. Gatsby fires his staff because he doesn’t want any more rumors to be spread about him or his doings. He replaced them with people he thinks he can trust his secrets with.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Have to Versus Want to Versus get to
There is a HUGE difference between agreeing to complete work for each other, being told what to do for homework, and exploring what you want to in your own way. Because one hand you agree to do something, on the second you have to do work, and on the other you choose to do it your way. When you agree to do something from someone else it’s not what you want to do or that your forced to it’s that you agree to do it because you feel like you can. Then sometime you are just forced to do work for people or else there are consequences for not doing them. Then finally there are the things that you want to do and you feel like you can and should do them at that certain time just because YOU want to.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Gatsby prompts further thinking
There are many good things we can write about on Gatsby and the important scenes that had happened. The things that i think are worth it is thoughts that Nick has on everyone he meets and especially on Gatsby. But the one thing i think is the most important is when Nick is saying that he thinks he might be the only honest person in this whole entire book. Because so far everyone has lied, been dishonest, and cheated on one another. Many of them are blinded by what they want and can't see what others want instead.
Why does Nick feel like he is the only honest and "real" person in this book?
Is there any good person that is honest and true like Nick and why?
Why is Nick standing by and watching while most the people around him are doing awful and unrealistic acts?
Why does Nick feel like he is the only honest and "real" person in this book?
Is there any good person that is honest and true like Nick and why?
Why is Nick standing by and watching while most the people around him are doing awful and unrealistic acts?
Friday, February 21, 2020
What Gatsby Says to Me
Every book has a central message and theme for their story. Some have being a good family member is better than being cool or that things don’t last forever. But the book “The Great Gatsby” is a very interesting and challenging book to read at first. Because you have no idea what’s the message or the main plot of the story is. But what I think the main theme of this story is that you can’t dwell on the past, only learn from it and move on. Because the main character is helping Gatsby try and get at this girl he had known a long time ago and fix his mistakes he had done. But Nick (the main character) then learns that he should not go through all this trouble for this one girl and move on but Gatsby just doesn’t want to. Also the theme of this story can also be that love can make a man do crazy things just for the women he loves.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Chapter 6 Gatsby
Turns out that Gatsby’s real nate is “Jay Gats” and when he was younger he was very poor and left his home to try and attempt to find a better one. When he was 17 he took any job he could find weather it was picking up trash or cleaning manure. When he was doing one of his jobs he seen an expensive yacht and took a boat towards it. Once next to it the rich man who owned the boat likes his enthusiasm and took him under his wing. The old rich man also stated that he would drink alcohol anymore because during his parties the women would rub alcohol in his hair. And when the old man died he gave Gatsby 25,000 dollars to him along with the experience he has had with the old rich man. And then Gatsby came and invested in drug stores that have now made him so much money. Now after his back story Gatsby ended up throwing a huge party for Daisy and invited everyone and Tom didn’t like Gatsby saying “who is this bootlegger!?” After a whole of Tom talking with other women and Gatsby dancing with Daisy, Nick, Gatsby, and Daisy went out back to smooch a little while Nick kept watch. Once the party was over and Daisy was upset that Tom was talking with other girls Gatsby was angry that Daisy didn’t enjoy the party. Nick then tells Gatsby that “you can’t repeat the past” and Gatsby replies “...why of course you can”
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Chapter 5 Gatsby Notes and Thoughts
After Nick came home when he was with Jordan Gatsby wanted to do things but Nick didn’t feel like it. Nick made tea with Gatsby and invited Daisy over. Gatsby is so embarrassed that he went outside and waited for the two to go in the house and when they did Gatsby knocked on the door like her barley came. Daisy and Gatsby were very nervous and didn’t really say much to each other and Nick was trying to get them to be comfortable. There was rain and the rain was uneasy, complicating, and unclear just like the time Gatsby, Daisy, and Nick were having during the bad weather. Gatsby and Nick talked about how to get the mods going and Gatsby was very nervous so Nick had to get him going. Once Nick came back the sun had came out and the weather was clear just like Gatsby and Daisy which have gotten more comfortable with each other. Then Gatsby invited them over to his house. Once there they went around looking at his decorations around his home. Gatsby took out some clothes and Daisy went and started to sob and said “I have never seen such beautiful shirts” I am pretty sure she as talking about the the bright and amazing color of the shirts. Then Daisy called them over to see the amazing clouds in which I assume it was a sunset and Nick left, leaving the two alone by themselves.
Gatsby Chapter 4 Notes
While Nick is finding more about Gatsby by the second Nicks is also finding out that he might be the only honest person in his book. Nick has more to learn about Gatsby and will soon learn them, but the story takes some wild turns towards the end of the chapter. So we find out that Gatsby has been throwing these parties for a girl and hoping she would come to them. One day Gatsby invited Nick out for lunch and meet up with an old man who then they had many discussions. When the old man had to go him and Gatsby were there being normal until Gatsby got up and went to do something. Then out of nowhere Tom arrived to the lunch and when Nick looked around to see where Gatsby was he was nowhere to be found. Later on in the chapter we then come to see that Gatsby had been with Daisy (Toms wife) back when they were younger and I guess Gatsby didn't want to be around Tom at all. I sure hope the next chapter will be even more exciting.
Now It's A Party/Gatsby Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of the Great Gatsby is a pretty interesting one. Because now Nick is going to parties and meets Gatsby. The party Nick goes to is hosted by Gatsby and he was actually invited rather than the other rich people who just show up. And some of the guest are very rude and look down upon Nick during his time there. Nick is now trying to get know Gatsby a little better and Gatsby is trying to do the same. Nick hears many rumors about Gatsby and doesnt know which ones he should believe in. One of the rumors were that he was a spy and that he had killed someone during his mission. But i'm sure Nick knew that one was a lie. Chapter 3 was surely a good one and i hope the other chapters offer the same satisfaction.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Gatsby Test Grades
Test grades for the Great Gatsby Chapters 1-4
Yung_mikeyFebruary 13, 2020 at 1:44 PM
1. nick is the narrator Yes
2. he was in the war Yes
1.by a lot of billionaires Yes
2. they were drunk Somewhat but no
1.nick was invited Yes
2.he thought it was bad Yes
1. they were made up human teeth Yes
2. its because he has history with daisy Yes
2. he was in the war Yes
1.by a lot of billionaires Yes
2. they were drunk Somewhat but no
1.nick was invited Yes
2.he thought it was bad Yes
1. they were made up human teeth Yes
2. its because he has history with daisy Yes
1. Nick is the narrator Yes
2. He was in a war Yes
3. Nick lives by Gatsby and a bunch or rich people Yes
4. Because she kept saying Daisy Yes
5. Nick was invited to Gatsby's party Yes
6. Nick thought it was bad Yes
7. They were made of human teeth Yes
8. Gatsby left because of him being in love with Daisy before Yes
2. He was in a war Yes
3. Nick lives by Gatsby and a bunch or rich people Yes
4. Because she kept saying Daisy Yes
5. Nick was invited to Gatsby's party Yes
6. Nick thought it was bad Yes
7. They were made of human teeth Yes
8. Gatsby left because of him being in love with Daisy before Yes
1. nick Yes
2. he went to war Yes
3.gatsby Yes
4.she kept saying daisy Yes
5.yes True
6.bad Yes
7.teeth Yes
8.gatsby and daisy had a past together Yes
2. he went to war Yes
3.gatsby Yes
4.she kept saying daisy Yes
5.yes True
6.bad Yes
7.teeth Yes
8.gatsby and daisy had a past together Yes
How You Know What I Know
Many people learn in many different ways and have different techniques on how they do it. Some will take notes on what they have learned about while others just try and store it in their head. How I can show what I have learned about what we read is by taking notes on what's happening in the book and explaining things about the specific book that only a person who reads it knows what i'm talking about. Also taking test and quizzes help us jog our memoire and forces people to study whether they like or not.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Gatsby Test Chapters 1-4
Chapter 1
- What is the narrators name?
- What did the narrator do before he moved away from home?
Chapter 2
- Who does Nick live by in his new house?
- Why did Tom punch Ms. Wilson?
Chapter 3
- Was Nick invited to Gatsby’s party?
- Was Nick thoughts about the other guest in Gatsby’s party good or bad?
Chapter 4
- What was the old mans buttons made of?
- Why did Gatsby leave right as Tom arrived?
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
My M.O.M. On My Big Question
The phrase M.O.M. means minuet of mindfulness. It’s a thoughtful thinking process we do at the beginning of class everyday. During those seconds of me thinking to myself a lot of thoughts and visions come to mind. But during my 6 minutes of M.O.M. specifically thinking about my big question I thought about if it is illegal to drop out of high school right away, I also thought if it’s even possible to be taken serious if you don’t even have a high school degree. And then I came to one thought that I couldn’t get out of my head for 3 minutes. Can anyone drop out of high school and make it somewhere. Like does it take a certain person to do so or can any person that can follow simple steps do it.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Nick Cardinal Virtue
What his “Cardinal Virtue” means is that it is true but also a big deal and can mean bad. But what he means by his statement is that he feels like he is being rude but he is the only one telling the truth in this story and with the people he has meet and talked with over his life time. Now I feel like we all see Nick as a un humble character. Even though all he has said about other people and how they talk with others and react to one another is true it shouldn’t give him the right to say he is better than everyone, even though he is. Many people have different opinions I assume but I just feel like he was not being humble at all and was a little arrogant.
Who are the people in your neighborhood/Gatsby Ch4 reading notes
- The narrator explained a lot about the characters that were involved In Gatsby's party
- Then tells shows the readers how unhappy these people are with their lives
- And how much these people are dishonest and mean
Saturday, February 8, 2020
So my big Question was about weather or not we need a High School education to be successful in life. I got many different answers when I would ask people about this like “of course you need one” or “why wouldn’t you want to get an education, it will help you in the long run” and also “you will be port of you don’t pass high school”. But I remember seeing a man on an add that was saying that he became a millionaire without passing high school. And I know that your obviously not supposed to always believe an add that pops up on your YouTube video but I was very curious on if this was true or not. I still have to research more on this man. But other things I would like to know that is about my “Big Question” is weather or not it matters when you drop out of high school. Or if you always have to do something in a certain way if you want to become a millionaire. Or if you can even be a millionaire any more since everyone might know about this. I still have many questions that need to be answered and I hope I can find them.
Gatsby pp 38-48
It’s these pages of the Great Gatsby many very interesting things had happened. Daisy was talking about why should Tom and his wife even still be together. But then goes on to say that they can’t get divorced because she is a catholic and doesn’t believe in getting in a divorce. And then the story goes on and tells the reader the narrator (Nick) goes for some whiskey and it definitely shows he is drunk on the pages and his way of words. This was happening all throughout the chapter and it was actually cool because I never expected that to happen at all and it’s something I never seen at all in any book. So as we dive deeper in the chapter we can all see that Tom is a selfish prick and doesn’t even care for his “loved” ones. Because Tom broke mertles nose out of an annoyance because she was saying “Daisy, Daisy, Daisy...” and didn’t stop until Tom swing his huge fist at her. If she can do that to her imagine what she will do to a person he is actually angry at.
-made a certain sentence look like they were drunk in which they were
-Tom broke mertle’s nose with his fist because she was annoying him
-as the second chapter was progressing the narrator was getting more and more drunk to where you can see it on the pages
-Tom is selfish and doesn’t have any regard for human life. He puts down his wife and he feels like she should always put her in her place
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Gatsby pp 27-38
Now as we are progressing more into the “Great Gatsby” everything is getting more interesting and confusing at the same time. It’s very interesting because now we find out that Toms wife has a significant other which is poor and works as a mechanic and she even acts like it is nothing. Because she is all up in jim and right when Tom roles in by she is not like that at all and she tells Tom to go get some chairs and as he is gone she gets back with the mechanic and when Tom returns with the chairs she wanted to leave. Then I also stated that it’s getting confusing because the wife basically has two moods she gets in like when she is with Tom she is all high and mighty with all this money and when she was with the mechanic she was poor and calm. These characters are very confusing and the couple seem to not like each other at all and they probably shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place. But that’s just my opinion based on what I have read and I’m sure there will be more to learn about this lovely couple.
-Toms wife was cheating on him with a mechanic and she acts like nothing is happening. She tells tom to go out and get chairs while she makes plans with her significant other.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Gatsby pages 11-22
What happened during dinner, whats toms problems, and are these people happy
Between the pages of 11-22 of the Great Gatsby a few interesting things have happened. Like when they were having dinner. Which the main character Nick was having dinner with a wife and a husband that were fighting over a few things. And the wife was very sure of herself and changed the topic quickly. And the husband was a racist and believed that the whites need to keep things in order. While Nick was just trying to have a nice dinner. The husbands name was tom and he had a problem with his wife and many other things. These people aren’t happy to what I have read and seem to be hard to please. And the wife explains that her new born daughter is a fool and I really want to know why would she, a mom of a new born daughter ever call them that.
-Why would a mother say something that mean about her own daughter
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