Thursday, February 13, 2020

Gatsby Test Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1

  1. What is the narrators name?
  2. What did the narrator do before he moved away from home?
Chapter 2
  1. Who does Nick live by in his new house?
  2. Why did Tom punch Ms. Wilson?
Chapter 3
  1. Was Nick invited to Gatsby’s party?
  2. Was Nick thoughts about the other guest in Gatsby’s party good or bad?
Chapter 4
  1. What was the old mans buttons made of?
  2. Why did Gatsby leave right as Tom arrived?


  1. 1. nick is the narrator
    2. he was in the war a lot of billionaires
    2. they were drunk
    1.nick was invited
    2.he thought it was bad
    1. they were made up human teeth
    2. its because he has history with daisy

  2. 1. Nick is the narrator
    2. He was in a war
    3. Nick lives by Gatsby and a bunch or rich poeple
    4. Because she kept saying Daisy
    5. Nick was invited to Gatsby's party
    6. Nick thought it was bad
    7. They were made of human teeth
    8. Gatsby left because of him being in love with Daisy before

  3. 1. nick
    2. he went to war
    4.she kept saying daisy
    8.gatsby and daisy had a past together
