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Friday, April 24, 2020
No Guts No Glory
As you can tell by the title this post will be about having the courage to do something in order to achieve greatness and you can also say “risk it for the biscuit”. When Beaty and the fireman Pull up to Montag's house he knows that they know he has a book and did something “illegal”. The question was that, do you think it was worth it for Montag to read all those books? Honestly I really feel like it wasn’t worth it to read all those books because he did live a more comfortable life than others but how he felt and what he was going through and what he was starting to realize about what’s happening around him I understand completely why he would read all those books, I would’ve done the same things. Because who doesn’t have the curiosity to learn what reading is like and what really happens back then and why are books illegal. He begins to understand that it is cruel to control people and begins to see that Beaty is controlling and selfish and wants to see everything burn in front of his eyes. What Montag did was a rebellious act and what any real normal would have done the same thing to have actual peace and freedom for all.
Journal April 13
Everyone is going to have different experiences in this pandemic and some similarities as well. Some might have to work and help around the house more and not be able to homework and study because of how busy they will be. Then there are others who have a lot of time on their hands and just choose to not do it. Then finally there are the students who want to thrive and be something in life after this pandemic and have a future and really care about their education. For me I’m more in the middle really, because I really care about my future and really want to be something in life and have a comfortable living when I’m older but I procrastinate quite a bit and choose not to do my work I know that is going to have change very very soon. But I do help my parents and family members as well with cleaning and supporting them with the house and problems while trying to stay healthy. I know I’m not the only one going through this and I know many others have it WAY worse than I do so I can just be grateful for what I have and that I’m able to be healthy and have an education.
Friday, April 10, 2020
The Glory of the Mistake
I’m the story of Fahrenheit 451 Montag has read a poem to Mildred friends and it had a huge impact on them and how they feel towards everything. Mildreds friends had started to feel sad and one of them even started to cry and then the all started to rush out and leave Montag and Mildred’s home. Montag knee he had made a mistake but the professor Faber wasn’t mad at all at Montag. He told him that it is okay if you make mistakes. Because it is apart of life and nothing can evolve with mistakes and changes and learning from those mistakes. He told him that as long as you learn from your mistakes it’s okay to make another mistake, as long as you don’t make the same one because then you wouldn’t be learning from it at all. Because the worst you can do to your future is not try and go out to fail. Because a fail is a fail if you let it be a fail. If you look at it as a challenge and overcome that that mistake or challenge the you are learning and evolving to be a greater and better person for yourself and others around you.
Case for War
Life being held in one place and not having a choice in leaving is a bad way to live. Because even if I wanted to leave (in which I can) I have a chance of getting a horrible virus that can harm my way of living all together. Living this way is hard and challenging for anyone. Having to deal with homework, home problems and and this horrible virus is a tuff living. Because the class work that has been dumped on all students because schools had no idea what to do because of this happening so fast. Not one person right now has it easy and everyone has to come together and work together to get through this pandemic the best way possible. So if you are a person that needs help reach out to someone or even if you do have everything figured out. Go reach out to others to see if they need help in these troubling times because wouldn’t you want help if you were in trouble?
Sometimes You Need A Professor
There is nobody in the world that has all the answers to every little question, so you might ask someone else to help you answer your question that you need answered. I remember when I had a question needed answering and when I would ask someone about it they wouldn’t even tell me because they had no clue either. My question was that weather or not the human race came from reptiles and evolution or was it from some kind of “god” that brought everything to life and made everything around us. I didn’t know which to believe weather we came from evolution or a god. So I looked it up I’m google. I found out that the human race along with all the other life forms on this planet came from bacteria in water which evolved and grew into fish. Then those fish adapted to the environment around them and evolved to breath oxygen and walk on legs. So then some of the species branches off and evolved into other kinds of animals like reptiles and birds and mammals. Then evolved into apes which evolved into humans and the human race and evolved and gotten smarter and devolved many technology to become the alpha species in thinking. I don’t actually know whether to believe this but I have searched this topic again and again and have seen the same answer so it must be true and I can’t really see how it can’t be true.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
This Cat Is Curious
Not one person doesn’t have curiosity once in a while and is willing to do crazy things to find their answer they are looking for even if it is dangerous. The saying “curiosity killed the cat” is one of many sayings to people with curiosity and want to find answers. I’m can be for personal gain or for someone else that wants to know that can benefit you and others. But others can be more curious than others and some people are scared of curiosity than others will be. That’s when those people will warn others from being curious but really without we wouldn’t have gotten this far in life. Because being curious got a caveman to make fire, being curious got Benjamin Franklin to make electricity, and bring being curious got man to make the most destructive weapon called a nuke. Being curious can be a good or bad thing and can have different consequences weather they are good or bad. But being curious is never a bad thing it’s part of life to be curious and nobody can ever evolve without failure and the curiosity to try again and again until they find their answer and the result they are looking for.
My Inner Happy
Being happy is an amazing thing that everyone wants at every second of every day because it just feels good. In Fahrenheit 451, Beatty states that it’s external things that make us happy like sports , entertainment, or food. I totally agree with her because if it’s something we can see and feel that only brings us happy thoughts when we think about it then it’s the thing that brings us happiness. Not one person can have the same exact one and not one person is so different from one another on what brings them happiness. Like a person might bring someone happiness when they are with them or the someone playing a sport might bring them happiness because of good they are at it. People will always crave happiness and happiness is really what keeps everyone going because without what are we and what do we have tom live for. Friends and family bring people happiness most of all and without them people basically have nothing to live for and that is what everyone has I common.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
United We Stand
The time when everyone should see that independence is the most important thing at that time is when our leaders start to take away our freedom to gain wealth and more power. Because taking a stand for our freedom is never wrong and independence is what anyone should have, regardless of age, color, ethnicity, place of birth, or ranking because inside we are all the same and made the same way weather you like it or not. And if you find out that someone came into this world some other way let me know because the last time I checked nearly everything on this planet called “Earth” is related to one another in some way or all the way with some arguments changed to there appearance. So every man and women should be treated the way they would like to be treated because after all each other is all we got against climate change and the real fact that this plant “Earth” will soon run out of materials and when hat comes what would we do.
Books and New Technology
Every one has their own opinion on the new books and new technologies these days. Some might say that “it’s all useless and that nothing can beat the old texture and style of a good old fashion book.” While others would say “why would anyone want to buy one old broken book that is going to rip after a while when you can buy one phone or laptop or even a computer and have a million books at the touch of a few buttons.” Or there are people that don’t read at all and rather learn on they see and experience themselves. But regardless of what anyone opinions are on this, the today world requires that you must read and and learn how to do things by reading so if you like the old fashion way of reading then go for it. Or if you rather go on your computer or phone to read then I’m sure no one will stop you. Because reading is reading after all and if it’s all the same to you I will stick to both.
Is It Me
I believe that how we are raised and how we see the world when we are barley see what is happening around us as an infant is what makes our personalities as are growing up from a young age. A kid that has only grown up to know his place and to take orders is going to be an obedient kid and won’t step out of line even if he knows it’s the right thing to do. Then if there was a kid who his parents let him do whatever he wants whenever he pleased then he sometimes would have grown up to a reckless person who thinks he his above the law and doesn’t need to listen to anyone else but himself. But it all depends on how the kid sees things because every single person will not experience the same thing. Everything is going to be different for every kid and every kid will grow up differently depending on what they have experienced and what made them happy or sad will make then when they get older and older.
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