Friday, April 24, 2020

No Guts No Glory

As you can tell by the title this post will be about having the courage to do something in order to achieve greatness and you can also say “risk it for the biscuit”. When Beaty and the fireman Pull up to Montag's house he knows that they know he has a book and did something “illegal”. The question was that, do you think it was worth it for Montag to read all those books? Honestly I really feel like it wasn’t worth it to read all those books because he did live a more comfortable life than others but how he felt and what he was going through and what he was starting to realize about what’s happening around him I understand completely why he would read all those books, I would’ve done the same things. Because who doesn’t have the curiosity to learn what reading is like and what really happens back then and why are books illegal. He begins to understand that it is cruel to control people and begins to see that Beaty is controlling and selfish and wants to see everything burn in front of his eyes. What Montag did was a rebellious act and what any real normal would have done the same thing to have actual peace and freedom for all.

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